Creating a Postpartum Plan In The Midst of COVID-19

Creating a Postpartum Plan In The Midst of COVID-19

I know a lot of pregnant and new moms are nervous about what is happening in the world right now and what that means for your postpartum recovery. 

I wanted to take a second and share something that is super helpful for all new moms, but especially right now. Make sure you have a postpartum plan!

A postpartum plan is something that a lot of moms don’t think about. Most mothers have a birth plan, so why not take some time to work out what your plans are for postpartum recovery. After all the postpartum period is as big of a process as the birth itself.


Start by writing down your goals for recovery. Do you want to stay in bed for the first week? Two weeks? Are you someone that finds healing through walks or outdoor time? What will you be using for postpartum healing comfort measures?


What are your goals for feeding? If you plan to breastfeed it is great to have a resource list of local lactation professionals, contact information for breastfeeding groups in the area. Find your local La Leche League and reach out to them!  If you plan to formula feed make sure you have the chosen formula at home and ready to use.


What are your plans for sleep? Will baby sleep in the room with you or in a separate room? Do you want to take shifts overnight?


Do you have older children? It is great to plan some time to make them feel special during this big life change. Something that I always recommend is a fun activity or book for them that is special for when you are feeding baby. This can be a great way for them to feel involved. 


What do you plan on eating for the first couple of weeks? Are you going to follow a postpartum recovery diet? Do you have a meal train set up?


What is something that helps you calm down if you are feeling overwhelmed? Write down the name and number of a close friend who is always there to talk. What did you like to do before children? Try to set aside some time for you.


Another great thing to write down is what makes you feel connected with your partner. The birth of a new baby can put strains on any relationship. It is important to be able to look back and remember what you love about your partner and what you like to do together. Make sure there is time for that!

Write down your goals with your partner, make sure you are on the same page. 

During this time it is not recommended to have visitors but thankfully we have a lot of modern technology to help us through this time! Try video messaging with friends and family. Reach out to your community virtually. Take advantage of social media and some of its benefits!

Most birth and postpartum professionals are offering virtual care and support at this time. Don’t let that stop you from reaching out if you need help! Now is the time to rely on community. 

Theses are all very important things to have planned out. If you are overwhelmed with the thought of creating one on your own please reach out and I would be happy to help! In the next couple of days I will be posting an easy form for you to print out and write down some of the basics. I will put it under the “New Client Forms” tab on my website. Please let me know if you have any questions about it or cannot find it!


Postpartum Care Plan - Printable.jpg
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